Jack County School Pictures & Lists
Old School Pictures & Lists From the Newspapers

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Up Class Pictures Classes From Newspapers Newspaper Clippings Rural Directories

Below are articles and pictures
from the Jack County Newspapers.
Most are years when we did not have yearbooks
Some things may be in the newspapers that were missed.
See - https://www.jackcountytexas.info/Newspapers/
Click on thumbnail pictures below to make them LARGE

1904-1956 JoplinStudents.jpg (2594668 bytes)
1904 Students at Joplin School

1906 Graduating Class.jpg (2317920 bytes)
1906 Jacksboro Graduating Class

1985 SecondGradeOf1912.jpg (1400857 bytes)
1912 Jacksboro 2nd Grade Class

1985 BrysonClassOf1915.jpg (953132 bytes)
1915 Bryson Class

1959 FootballTeamof1916.jpg (3038240 bytes)  1990 TigersOf1916.jpg (2379199 bytes)
1916 Jacksboro Football Team

1990 GradsOf1923.jpg (2412909 bytes)  1985 GradsOf1923.jpg (2011755 bytes)
1923 Jacksboro Class

1985 Perrin8thGradeOf1924.jpg (2111960 bytes)
1924 Perrin 8th Grade Class

1990 TigersOf1925.jpg (2004645 bytes)  1959 FootballTeamof1925.jpg (1476324 bytes)
1925 Jacksboro Football Team

1990 TeamOf1926.jpg (5428013 bytes)
1926 Jacksboro Basketball Team

1985 TeamOf1928.jpg (2338161 bytes)
1928 Jacksboro Basketball Team

1959 FootballTeamof1929.jpg (2415443 bytes)  1990 TeamOf1929.jpg (5406247 bytes)
1929 Jacksboro Football Team

1980 Grads-1930.jpg (3497340 bytes)
1930 Jacksboro Class with married names given.

1986 ClassOf1931.jpg (5156001 bytes)
1931 Jacksboro Class with married names given.

1959 FootballTeamof1932.jpg (2314134 bytes)
1932 Jacksboro Football Team

1990 TeamOf1933.jpg (5385723 bytes)
1933 Jacksboro Girl's Basketball Team

1980 Grads-1939.jpg (3482380 bytes)
1939 Jacksboro Class

1990 ClassOf1940.jpg (5506765 bytes)
1940 Jacksboro Class with married names given.

1942 Grads.jpg (531689 bytes)  1942 JacksboroTeachers.jpg (728615 bytes)
1942 Lists of Jacksboro Graduating Students and of Teachers

1943 Grads.jpg (2809406 bytes)  1943 School.jpg (644977 bytes)
1943 News and Graduate Lists

1944 Neves-Fallis-Grad.jpg (1635364 bytes)
1944 8th Grade Graduation

1945 BrysonSchool.jpg (458937 bytes)  1945 Grads.jpg (721386 bytes)  1990 ClassOf1945.jpg (5616092 bytes)
1945 Bryson and Jacksboro Graduates. The last picture has married names.

1946 Picture of 5th Grade

1950 Grad.jpg (3881563 bytes)  1950 JacksboroGrads.jpg (3373861 bytes)  1950 Teachers.jpg (1322016 bytes)
1950 Graduation Article, Jacksboro Senior's Picture, and picture of Teachers.
(We have No Jacksboro Yearbook for 1950)